Arjan Tales

My writing blog, experiments, and lessons in writing.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Dream

I had "THE DREAM" a few nights ago. I hope it's a normal dream for new writers. Besides my writing, I program, and to keep track of my stories and submissions I've written a few tools to help me organize and report on things. Testing this system over several days I see one number creep up past 60: The number of days since I sent a story toa certain magazine. I know that the Writers of the Future contest will keep stories for several months, so that doesn't worry me. I sent my first WotF entry on March 31, the last day of the quarter, and it took over three months to hear back. If I had sent my story in on the first day, January 1, it would have been over six months. The business requires patience.
Anyway, I see this "Days Out" number creep up, and it's a little worrying. I know that as a writer with no publication credits, I'm in the slush pile no matter where I send my work (except WotF and other contests). I dreamt I was reading the magazine, turned a page and saw my story, the one I had submitted to them, in the magazine, but someone else's name was on it. I don't even remember whose name it was, but it wasn't mine and I don't send anything out with a pseudonym.
I hope this is normal.